All Work And No Play Makes Kevin A Dull Boy
2022 has been an eventful year filled with learning. For me, 2022 has been shaped around two main events: full-time work and full-time university. The obvious question is: why would I subject myself to this?
How Sweden’s Leaders Have Become Complicit In The Climate Crisis
Climate change exists and is being accelerated by human activities. To deny this is to create and enable a system where politics creates reality rather than a system where politics is guided by reality. A lack of care towards the biosphere upon which all socio-economic systems inherently rely is already shaping policy.
My Swedish University Experience.
Poor organisation, incomplete reading lists, disinterested lecturers, lazy group members, mandatory in-person seminars clearly designed to tick a box and exams consisting of glorified reading comprehension - multiple choice questions which fail to test the key ideas discussed in the course. Fortunately, the Business, Politics and Culture (BPC) course proved that there is a better way to run a course without mandating any significant changes.