Philosophy, Animal Rights Kevin Linton Philosophy, Animal Rights Kevin Linton

Veganism as Resistance: Confronting the Banality of Evil in Food Production

The Banality of Evil is a phrase coined by Hannah Arendt, one of the most influential political philosophers and historians of the 20th century. Arendt argues that Adolf Eichmann, a key figure in the Nazi Party and participant in enabling the Holocaust, was not psychotic or particularly anti-semitic in his personal beliefs.If the empirical claim that many meat eaters know that animal agriculture is unethical but fail to become vegan due to weak appeals to culture, comfort and convenience, those who eat meat should be seen through the same lens as those who participated in the Holocaust without any particular ideological motivation.

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Animal Rights, Environment, Philosophy Kevin Linton Animal Rights, Environment, Philosophy Kevin Linton

Veganism As The Standard. Opting-Out Rather Than Opting-In To Veganism

The legal end goal of veganism is to make illegal practices which unnecessarily harm, exploit and kill sentient, non-human animals. Where vegan alternatives are available, this is almost always an ‘opt-in’ system. By switching the standard option to vegan meals, the standard benefits animal liberation, health, the environment, costs and inclusivity.

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Animal Rights, Philosophy, Politics Kevin Linton Animal Rights, Philosophy, Politics Kevin Linton

Veganism: Political Not Philosophical

The belief in animal liberation is the lowest common denominator that all vegans share. Yet rather than coming together to advance the political objective of animal liberation, vegans spend far too much time arguing about philosophical nuances which are irrelevant to the cause. Vegans must argue for veganism itself, rather than for veganism backed by a particular normative or meta-ethical theory.

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Animal Rights, Philosophy, Politics Kevin Linton Animal Rights, Philosophy, Politics Kevin Linton

A Rawlsian Defence Of Veganism

Your genetics and your socio-economic background are nothing more than chance. You might be a privileged person or an oppressed person. Your task is to distribute resources in a way so that you would be happy to born as anyone in the world. There is possibility that we are born as a different species and it is therefore our obligation to defend their rights.

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Philosophy, Politics, Animal Rights Kevin Linton Philosophy, Politics, Animal Rights Kevin Linton

Veganism Is Inevitable

Speciesism is a word which has only recently entered mainstream ethical discussions. Speciesism is the philosophical belief that humans are inherently superior to non-human animals. The eradication of philosophical speciesism is a natural extension from the eradication of other social ills such as racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia. Both the theoretical and practical eradication of speciesism can be found in veganism.

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Philosophy Kevin Linton Philosophy Kevin Linton

Turning 20 Is Terrifying… But That’s A Good Thing.

Grappling with death can lead to a paralysis in which one fails to take any action. However, this realisation should be empowering. It is this stress which can so easily debilitate which also forces us to act. In order to live a meaningful life, one must be aware of these truths and risk falling into crisis. Without death there is no need for action and without a need for action one cannot live a meaningful life. The prospect of dying will continue to breathe meaning into our every action.

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